Chemical Entity Data Page

Anion, non-metal (AS/A2 generic)
Element, non-metal anion (AS/A2 generic)
Inorganic anion (AS/A2 generic)
Nonmetal anion (AS/A2 generic)
  Belongs to a sub-set of generics specific to the British A-Level exam system.

Nonmetal anion (AS/A2 generic)
is defined with respect to the entities below:
The entities below are defined with respect to:
Nonmetal anion (AS/A2 generic)
Bicarbonate ion

Bromide ion

Chloride ion

Cyanide ion

Dihydrogen phosphate ion

Fluoride ion

Hydride ion

Hydrogen sulfate ion

Hydrogen sulfide anion

Hydroxide ion

Hypochlorite ion

Iodide ion

Methyl anion

Nitrate ion

Nitrite ion

Permanganate ion


Tetrachloroaluminium ion

Tetrafluoroborate ion


Tetrahydroborate ion

Thiocyanate ion

© Mark R. Leach 1999 –

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